Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Quotes by Samuel Rutherford from "The Loveliness of Christ"

"Lord cut, Lord carve, Lord wound, Lord do anything that may perfect thy Father's image in us, and make us meet for glory."

"So narrow is the entry to heaven, that our knots, our bunches and lumps of pride, and self-love, and idol-love, and world love must be hammered off us, that we may throng in, stooping low, and creeping through that narrow and thorny entry."

Perhaps the greatest challanges in the Christian faith is our willingness to allow the Lord, as Rutherford writes, to cut, carve, wound, perfect, and hammer. This truly challanges me to my very core. Yet when I think of the times I've fully submitted my will to His, I can't once say that I've been let down. I think Rutherford says it well: "I have little of him yet I long for more."

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